The CFF received a request from Saint Lucia Island Fencing (Saint Lucia in the Caribbean) for assistance from a Canadian coach who can participate in a 2 week training camp, in order to support development of foil fencing in Santa Lucia.
The possible date for this participation would be the month of June 2019.
The conditions of participation are as follows:
1.Visiting Volunteer Coach-Beginners Sessions: Technical assistance to introduce participants to the sport of fencing and give them the basic fundamentals needed to start fencing and develop basic skills.
2. Level 1 Coaching Course: An introductory coaching course for a small group of SSF mentors who wish to begin to teach fencing.
3. Equipment Support : Assistance with kit/equipment –donated or otherwise would aid us greatly.
4. Assistance in developing a long term ‘sustainable’ fencing program in Saint Lucia.
6. Assistance in developing a structured after-school fencing program.
7. Initial visit to Saint Lucia will be for 2 weeks , with an opportunity to visit every 2-3 months .
Ultimately, Saint Lucia Fencing is seeking coaching expertise to mentor and increase the expertise of local coaches/mentors , introduce the rudiments of fencing foil to at least 5-8 senior mentors and eventually deliver a level 1 coaching certification ( or equivalent ) to allow them to carry out basic coaching in local programs.
The Island of St. Lucia offers transportation and internal expenses (on-site), and the CFF may award a per diem of $ 500,oo to cover other costs of the participating coach.
For more information and to apply, please contact Ildemaro Sanchez at