Application Deadline: August 15, 2019
“Mentors Express is a unique opportunity to work one-on-one with a mentor in your field of choice. In my case (sport psychology and mental preparation) it is a great hands-on chance to have someone in your corner who is dedicated to serving, educating and learning from coaches. I think both the coach and the mentor benefit from this program. It’s a chance to problem solve, have individual and group sessions, and to broaden your coaching repertoire.”
Dr. Shaunna Taylor, Co-Chair, Canadian Sport Psychology Association
Coach competency is an integral aspect of Ontario’s community sport programs. Coaches have the unique capacity to inspire, drive and influence athletes, impacting their pathways to excellence and overall sport experience.
Mentors Express aims to enhance a Coach’s ability to apply various concepts from the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) by providing direct access to experts in five essential fields:
- Sport Psychology
- Nutrition
- Leadership & Management
- Strength and Conditioning
- Coaching Athletes with a Disability
Through dedicated training, in either individual or group settings, the Mentors Express program generates a connection between club coach and expert that may not otherwise be possible. This provides coaches with the opportunity to better support athlete development, expand on their existing coaching knowledge, and improve their overall coaching program.
The Goals of the Program are:
- To enhance knowledge for those coaching at the club level within Ontario’s sport system.
- To expand access to professional sport expertise to support coaches across Ontario.
- To foster an understanding and working relationship between coaches and sport-science providers in Ontario.
- To increase awareness of both the value of sport science and the professional expertise available in Ontario to coaches working at the ‘club’ level.
- To assist in retaining quality club coaches in their local communities
- To increase sharing and collaboration on initiatives that develop coaches from the regional level to the provincial and national levels
- To improve the performance of athletes in Canada Games, Ontario Games and additional provincial/national competitions