Posted on October 28, 2015 at 12:00 AM
The OFA Veteran Committee is pleased to release the results of its baseline survey of veteran fencers. We are extremely pleased that 95 fencers participated, of which 80 were from Ontario. The high participation rate (more than 60% of Ontario) is a strong indication that veteran fencers care about the future of our sport and want to be heard.
The survey resulted in 10 recommendations from the OFA Veteran Committee that were presented at the OFA Annual Meeting on September 13, 2015.
In order to share the results of the survey with veteran fencers, fencing clubs, tournament organizers, and other OFA stakeholders, the Committee has prepared two documents in pdf format:
- Baseline Survey Executive Summary: this document contains a brief introduction, highlights from the survey, and the recommendations presented to the OFA Annual Meeting. Download here>>
- Baseline Survey Detailed Analysis: this document provides analysis for all of the 48 data points covered in the survey. You will see that many participants provided very insightful comments in responding to the 6 freeform questions in the survey. Download here>>
To access either or both of these documents, please click on the download links provided above.
The OFA Veteran Committee is currently working with the OFA Board, other committees, and other stakeholders to develop specific plans to implement all of the recommendations arising from the survey. We will also liase with CFF on matters of mutual interest. In the coming weeks and months, we will be in touch periodically to keep you informed as specific initiatives emerge in response to the recommandations.